Erotic stories of Lorraine happy Aunt

Profile page of Lorraine happy Aunt. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Lorraine happy Aunt wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 3.4K times

Incest | 2
2022-12-24 07:23:35
2022-05-27 07:06:21
Lazy Husband part 2George hasn't changed but has started to complain about the baby crying from the moment I brought her home from the hospital. I've also moved my sister Jane and son David into the adjoining apartment and had an internal door installed. George hasn't even asked why, but as I take the baby next door to be with my sister and nephew, he's happy as there is no crying baby. If he knew I was back fucking my nephew David again, it might shock him. But I don't think it would make him get upset as it will...reading time 1 mingenre
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Lazy HusbandMy husband George 38 is lucky you don't have to think and work to breathe or he would be dead. Not exactly a world beater when it comes actually doing something, since our marriage he has become even more lazy. I ride him during sex and have to get him up by sucking his cock and then mounting him and he just lays there. Doesn't even feel my my tits or body, he is an only child and was spoilt rotten by his parents who have both passed on. Born when his mother was 39 and father 47 and he doesn't n...reading time 3 mingenre
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